Guess who COMING To Dinner?

When you decide to bring a puppy into your life, it's a significant commitment. Often, it's a choice you may not have fully anticipated. That adorable little pup seemed perfectly behaved when you first met, but then reality sets in when you bring them home.

From that point forward, both you and your new furry friend embark on a journey of getting to know each other and building a strong bond. The specific requirements for this journey, including training and necessary equipment, will depend on the breed and how you want your pup to integrate into your family.

Now, let me introduce you to a special guest, Tyson Gill. My experience with Tyson has deepened my passion for discussing, training, and even crafting custom furniture to enhance your relationship with your constant dinner companion.

The Founders

In Miami's vibrant pulse, we're a dynamic team of pet parents, military veterans, and former healthcare leaders who've transformed into pet design visionaries, fusing canine insights with flair. We not only craft stylish pet havens and share expert guidance but also weave stories that resonate with society. As dedicated caregivers, we infuse dog care with creativity, compassion, and sophistication, aiming to enhance the joy and well-being of our pets. Dive into our journey of nurturing, laughter, and elegance, where every endeavor celebrates and uplifts the lives of our four-legged friends, spotlighting stories that matter.


Tyson found a CENTIPEDE